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"anxious magpie" ingredients

acrylic paint, oil stick, model car paint,


my suddenly-one-Sunday very bloodshot eyeball,


my grandnephew in his hoodie,


see what I see,


kitchen sink- throw it all in,


come out on top,


hair on fire…still, “our House” floor – they have designs on,


coronacation in palm desert, notification from consumer cellular that I sent 7456 texts in 2020,

random thought - “I did not intend to grow up to be an anxious person”,


red sea anemones from “My Octopus Teacher”,


winning?/keeping score- I noticed this embarrassing train of thought, about those “gotcha”, “got back at you”, “beat that” moments. Old boyfriends who did not love me enough, guys who did not notice me and should have, friends for whom I was a bit of a doormat, people I have never met. And I note that I have outlived them, that I did not get that disease (so far). Appeared still  “stunning” (if only in my own mind, on a good day) at 70, I turned down their recent expression of interest in reviving/continuing a friendship that never was. All about coming out on top (who am I? Mc Connell?). Ugly, right?


Bits of silhouettes from Joe B drawing class on zoom. Including the fabric backdrops, he has used in class since 2003, at least.


Floor and wall designs from the Senate chamber,


Hebrew for “anxiety”- daled(death), reish (holy spirit), chet (health, vitality) [or not].


Well, not got more to say, but this painting needs some small to go with all the large,


magpie sees bright shiny things and adds them to pile: on kitchen counter 5 timers, a ballcap,

and a face mask.

© 2023 by The Painter​

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